Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is the price of an average diamond engagement ring?

Diamond engagement rings are not only fabulous looking pieces of jewelry, they are so much more with their strong symbolism and tradition. It's a common fact that diamond engagement rings have long tradition and history on their side which gives them a special status among all other diamond jewelry. After all when you decide to buy diamond engagement ring this means that you have made your choice, and have chosen that special person with whom you'll spend the eternity with.

How much money should you spend on diamond engagement ring, and is there an average price of diamond engagement ring that should give you some basic guidelines about what is enough money to spend?

The first rule that you should follow when buying diamond engagement ring is to spend the amount you feel comfortable with. The true love isn't in buying the biggest diamond you can find, but this does not mean that you should buy some cheap diamond simulant either. What you should really do is set up your affordable budget, and stick with it, which will be quite helpful to you not to spend more than you can really afford.

Some of you are probably introduced with the famous "two months salary" rule as an adequate money to spend on diamond engagement ring. I for one I'm against following this rule because two months salary can in some cases be a true fortune, and it is definitely not wise to blow so much money on diamond ring when for instance you have down-payment on a house to worry about.

In 2002 there was this rather interesting study by the Conde Nast Bridal Group, publisher of Bride's and Modern Bride, that concluded how the the average cost of an engagement ring in United States is $3,576. So if you still have tough time in deciding how much to spend you can use the result of this study. But who says you have to be average?


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