Sunday, February 19, 2012

Diamonds were always eternal things of beauty

Diamonds are not only eternal things of beauty, they are in fact much much more. Their beauty is recognized not only throughout their unmatched shine and brilliance, but also throughout their undisputed history, mystics and symbolism. Ever since ancient times diamonds were bearers of good fortune, signs of power and supremacy, a piece of divine in hands of noble mortals, kings and emperors. Diamonds were the ones giving luck on battlefield, scaring opponents because diamonds had this special divine power that made the difference as they were able to strike fear into enemy's hearts.

That was in ancient times, in middle age diamonds were once again eternal things of beauty that only nobles had right to wear, they were symbols of status, style and beauty, something that they are even today though on completely different level. Today diamonds are available to many people though as always the finest diamonds are only available to few chosen ones that have enough money to buy these things of unparalleled beauty.

As you can see past and present have similarities, in both having the great admiration for diamonds and their supreme qualities in terms of beauty, status, symbolism and mystics.

What about the future? Will diamonds still remain symbols for beauty and luxury? If we are to judge from the long history of diamonds, diamonds look to be with us for many more years. After all they do have lifespan of few million years:)


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