Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why are diamonds rare?

Diamonds of good and excellent quality are very hard to find, in fact, for every million diamonds that are mined, only one will be found that is a quality one carat gem (only 1 in 5 million are 2-carat, and 1 in 15 million are 3-carat). The large diamonds of high quality are extremely rare and this is the main reason why these stones have such an astronomical price tag.

In order to better understand the rarity of diamonds we first need to look at the process of their birth, namely millions of years under intense pressure and extremely high temperatures for a genuine diamond to form.

These conditions can be simulated in laboratories but these lab created diamonds despite having the same if not even better properties compared to natural diamonds do not possess the uniqueness and value of diamonds created in nature.

Some colored diamonds like for instance red, pink, and blue diamonds are extremely rare, in fact there are so rare that only a small number of jewelers actually had the chance to see these precious stones.

In order to compensate for the rarity of these colored diamond scientists invented synthetic diamonds. Synthetic diamonds are produced in lab, have the exact same qualities like natural diamonds so we can no longer say that diamonds in general are as rare as they used to be. But natural colored diamonds still remain extremely rare and therefore extremely expensive.

Red diamonds are considered to be rarest of them all and there are less than 20 red diamonds in existence today. The second rarest colored diamonds are green diamonds followed by purple, pink, orange and blue diamonds.


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