Sunday, January 15, 2012

Black diamonds – A good choice for engagement rings?

The classical white diamonds are the most common choice when it comes to choosing the right diamond engagement ring. Some people however are not attracted by classical and traditional and choose other colors for their diamond engagement rings, even the black diamonds.

Black diamond engagement rings are extremely rare choice not only because they represent very unconventional choice but also because black diamonds are not that common in nature.

Black color of these diamonds is the result of certain inclusions just like this is the case with other colored diamonds. These inclusions give dark hue to black diamonds and some black diamonds are darker than others.

When it comes to grading black diamonds there are certain things you must know. First of all, black diamonds are unlike classical white diamonds valued more for having a greater degree of coloration. White diamonds, on the other hand, are valued more for having fewer inclusions.

The most expensive black diamonds are large diamonds with darker coloration. These diamonds can achieve very high prices.

If you like to show your unique style then black diamonds might just be the thing for you, representing unconventional choice and adding somewhat „wild touch“to your diamond engagement ring.

In most cases black diamonds will be less expensive compared to white diamonds so if you decide to go for black diamonds you'll not only have uniqueness but also lower price tag.


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