Sunday, November 6, 2011

The road rough diamond needs to take

Diamonds were formed on our planet more than three billion years ago which means that once you buy this precious stone you are likely getting the oldest item you will ever purchase. The transformation from rough diamond found in mine to a gorgeous piece of diamond jewelry requires several different processes.

Diamonds discovered in mines are in rough state looking far less attractive than their polished brothers. Approximately around 50% of diamonds comes from Africa though Russia is today the world's largest diamond producer. Most diamonds that came to the surface made their way up through the volcanic pipes.

Only around 20% of rough diamonds will actually end up being part of diamond jewelry which means that 80% of rough diamonds are not suited for polishing and will be likely used for different industrial purposes.

In order for rough diamond to cross the road between the diamond mine and jewelry store it still needs to be sorted and priced. After that rough diamonds make their way to major cutting centers such as Antwerp, Jerusalem, Bombay, Johannesburg and New York.

Prior to cutting rough diamond needs to be thoroughly examined (where experts check shape as well as imperfections and inclusions) in order for selected cut to yield the greatest value. This is where diamond cutters determine the stone's weight and shape.

After that the diamond gets polished and is ready to become a part of gorgeous looking diamond jewelry.


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