Sunday, September 18, 2011

Diamonds are not only about eternity and love

The two most common symbols connected today with diamonds are eternity and love. But this was not always the case with diamonds. In fact the modern diamond symbolism started with the Archduke Maximilian of Austria who gave the first diamond ring engagement to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. Little did he know that in couple of centuries time this will become a tradition, not only among royalties but also among ordinary people.

Diamonds were for a very long time symbols of magic, sometimes also black magic. Occultism and believing in diamond's supernatural powers were for a very long time connected with diamond bearers. Diamonds were not only considered to be an important part of black magic but they were also being regarded as healing stones which could detect and clear poison from human body and also open spirituality channels to let the positive energy flow in.

Diamonds were also tears of gods left on earth as a true symbol of divine, at least this is what ancient Greeks believed. Ancient Romans shared the similar opinion by calling diamonds splinters of fallen stars.

Diamond industry is today unimaginable without the diamond cutting but in India for a very long time there was this belief that diamonds should not be cut because they will lose their magical properties this way and also give bad luck to their bearers.
Diamonds were also used to separate the right from wrong, for instance in Middle Age there was this very popular belief that diamonds would shine brightly for the innocent people and grow dark when faced with guilty people.

Our fascination with diamonds will likely further continue in years to come. There's something special about these stones, something that gives diamond this unique dose of mystery that is able to last for thousands of years.

As Zsa Zsa Gabor would say: " I never hated man enough to give him his diamonds back".


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