Monday, August 13, 2012

World Diamond Bourses

It is hard to distinguish any precious gem that can compete with a diamond, the most valuable jewel during all the history of mankind. These gemstones served as top accessories for rich people, they were and still continue to be a very goal for lots of miners and promising investment for modern traders. The benefits of diamonds are hard to overestimate due to raising popularity. However, to date the places where diamonds are found became less interesting to the benefit of places, where they are sold. Numerous diamond bourse exchanges are distributed over the world map, which draw an attention of common tourists and experienced investors.

A history of organized diamonds’ trade started in 1947 when World Federation of Diamond Bourses was established. Its 29 members have accepted a set of common rules on sale of polished and rough gemstones. The head office was arranged in Antwerp, a historic and longstanding world trade center. This city is likely to be a paradise for diamond-fans in Europe notwithstanding existence of diamond bourses in London, Bratislava, Wien and others. Four largest diamond bourses are located precisely in Antwerp, which signifies of its top priority. In particular, they unite more than 1640 firms, 300 workshops and 12 thousands of specialists. No one come here by accident.

Since the 15th century diamonds have played an important role in Antwerp livelihood. By that time India was a major supplier of rough gemstones, concealing its unique opportunities until the Age of Discovery and establishment of powerful trade connections. It was a long road before the last stop appeared in Antwerp. At first, they were exported to Venice, the biggest trade point on the West. Later, merchants started to transport them to Bruges, the so-called “Northern Venice”, where gem-cutting and trade were developed as well.  However, soon Bruges’ harbors started to be covered with sand and the diamond and precious stones industry in Antwerp appeared. As time passed, new bourses were created in the city, as well as in neighboring Amsterdam (in the 18th century).

The 19th century marked an emergence of new diamond bourses, especially after discovery Kimberley minefield in 1866. Diamonds appeared to be very promising and profitable business, which encouraged searches of new minefields. Massive migration of Jews at the eve of the World War II facilitated distribution of diamond experience and trade in the United States, England, Canada, but Antwerp preserved its status as a leading diamond spot. 

To date, every continentcan boast of large diamond bourses. It is impossible not to mention Diamond Bourse Exchange in Israel, created in 1937 and successfully working till now. The main advantage of diamond trade there is tax-free export and import, which led a way to wholesale dealers. On October 10th 2010 the largest Bharat Diamond Bourseinitiated its operations. Indian authorities have been preparing to this grand-opening for more than 20 years in attempt to outrange Belgium and Israel.  So, diamonds nowadays became an issue of competence not only amongst firms, but states as well. 

By Maria Kruk, an author for

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