Sunday, August 26, 2012

What is the right size for diamond engagement ring?

Diamond rings are still the most popular form of diamond jewelry because proposing the bride with an engagement diamond ring has a very long tradition, and has been accepted in many countries of the world.

When choosing the perfect ring for your future bride you have to think about what is the adequate size of diamond.  This is not only important from the aesthetic point of view but also from financial point of view because even a small difference in size can mean spending considerably higher than you have planned with your budget.

A size of diamond is measured in carats. Anything below 0.5 carats may look to small, especially if you're future bride to be doesn't have small, tiny fingers. In average, 0.5-1 carat is the usual size of the diamond for the engagement ring.

This means that those with higher salaries should go for at least one carat while the rest could pass with ½ of carat. 

The quality of cut, and certain shapes could make diamond appear bigger than it really is. Too big diamond could look to flashy, and some ladies will rather want visible but not too flashy impression, though of course plenty of them love the bigger the better perspective.

Instead of going for just one larger diamond you can also decide to try the option of several smaller diamonds as this would give your engagement ring a more unusual look.

The size is just one part of the coin with the sparkle being the other one. If you properly put these two together you'll put a huge smile on your darling's face.

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