Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why are diamonds so popular?

Diamonds weren't always as popular as they are today. In fact, for many centuries diamonds were reserved only for kings and other noblemen so the regular Joe wasn't even thinking about these precious stones.
A lot has changed in 20th century.   

The Golden age of Hollywood and the immortal big screen divas have played major role in spreading the popularity of diamonds all across the world. Add to this the improvement in diamond mining and the technology to artificially create diamonds in labs and you have the building blocks of today's multi-billion dollar worth global diamond industry.

Diamonds are always in center of some famous jewelry pieces and with so many celebrities wearing them you just can't resist them as they seem to be giving you a taste of feeling what being a star is all about.
And there's also the diamond engagement ring tradition. 

Almost every woman dreams about being proposed with shiny diamond ring. It's like this special piece of diamond jewelry gives that extra boost to love in order for her to say yes for eternity.

Diamond jewelry is the best jewelry of them all which pretty much explains the hefty price tag that diamonds have. Diamonds have many supreme properties (hardness, light refraction) that other gemstones do not posses and this is what makes them best jewelry option.

Of course, the excellent diamond marketing campaigns played their part too. Good advertising is half the business and diamonds are no exception. Diamonds are not just forever because they are almost indestructible but also because of extra successful marketing campaigns.

The beauty, price, tradition, top quality, and fame - the diamonds have it all, and diamond industry is certainly making the most of it because diamonds are always popular, and there will always be plenty of people interested in buying them.

To some people they may just seem like some sort of decorative stones with long tradition but the success of global diamond industry suggests different conclusions.

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