Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to best care for your diamond jewelry?

Diamond jewelry needs to be looked after with love and affection, especially since we are talking about the most expensive jewelry of them all. Though word diamond comes from the Greek word „adamas“ meaning indestructible you can still do something that can damage your diamond jewelry if you don't look after it on proper way.

If you happen to be frequently doing some activities that may lead to your diamond jewelry being hit it is wise to take your jewelry off and keep it in the safe place and put it back again after you finish your work.

Why do you need to keep your diamond jewelry clean? Diamond jewelry is all about shine and light and if your diamond jewelry is not clean enough it will lose much of its visual appeal.  If your diamond is dirty there won't be sufficient light reflection and your diamond will lose its shine, and with it much of its beauty.

Soaps, different cleaning materials, suntan lotions – all of these substances can make our diamond jewelry dirty and affect the way diamond reflects the light.

Keeping your diamond clean isn't that difficult. Some will tell you that the best way to clean your diamonds is to use ammonia solutions. Though ammonia solutions are effective in cleaning diamonds they can still cause damage to diamond's color so I would instead recommend dipping your diamond into warm solution of water and mild detergent for few minutes and afterwards to just gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush.

Also, make sure to regularly examine your jewelry to see everything's tight and no diamond is loose. Just shake your diamond jewelry next to your ear and you should hear if something's loose or not. If something appears to be shaking visit the jeweler and let him tighten it.

Remember that you paid a lot of money for your diamond jewelry so make sure to take good care of it.

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