Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nanodiamonds lead industrial and technological innovation

Diamonds are already being used by numerous different industries and in the future this number will likely increase even more. The reason for this is very simple, namely supreme physical and chemical properties that diamonds have in comparison with other materials.

This especially refers to nanodiamonds, very tiny diamonds, in size less than ten-thousandths the diameter of a human hair. Many different industries have just started realizing the abundant potential in nanodiamonds, especially in terms of hardness, thermal conductivity and heat resistance.

Nanodiamonds are currently being primarily used as a polishing material, polymer additive and lubricants. Nanodiamonds have been heavily used in aircraft and space travel designs, and they are also the primary ingredient of modern laser equipment.

The recent study by the University of Warwick even showed that laundry detergent laced with nanodiamonds removes fats and dirt at lower temperatures meaning that it could significantly reduce energy consumption of regular high temperature washes.

Many people primarily associate diamonds with expensive jewelry but that is really only a secondary use of diamonds. Only 20% of all mined diamonds are used for jewelry while other 80% are used for different industrial purposes.

The interest toward nanodiamonds continues to grow on worldwide scale and as many technologies continue their maturing process nanodiamonds will further strengthen their place and lead innovation thanks to their unique properties.

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