Sunday, June 3, 2012

Why do people love diamonds so much?

Here are 10 reasons why people love diamonds so much.

1. Diamonds are shiny things. Shine as compared to darkness, life as compared to death, and so on, I believe you get the picture here.

2. Diamonds make the best jewelery of them all. People love the best, and very rarely care for the rest if they can have the best. As you see this even rimes :)

3. Diamonds come in many different colors. Colorful and not dull, and in variety of choices for you to choose from.

4. Diamonds have become tokens of eternal love. What better marketing than love.

5. Diamonds are almost indestructible meaning even clumsy people can wear them.

6. Diamonds can symbolize plenty of different things.

7. Diamonds are excellent fashion statements if you're into the fashion and want to make your statement.

8. Diamonds are rare in nature. Possessing something that is rare makes possession more valuable.

9. Diamond jewelry makes perfect gifts for almost all occasions.

10. Diamonds are associated with fame and glamor and make you feel special when wearing them, particularly if you're a woman.

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