Sunday, June 17, 2012

The global demand for diamonds continues to grow

According to a recent study by the consultant firm Bain & Company the global demand for diamond will continue to increase throughout this year which will likely lead to significant increase in price of rough diamonds.

The diamond markets from the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, China and India, are all expected to push for more rough diamonds which should lead to a 3-10% price increase.

The global diamond industry has already passed its peak in production of rough diamonds back in 2005, and is need of new sources or rough diamonds because of new fast-expanding markets like China and India.

Some new sources have already been developed but this will likely not be enough to follow the fast growing demand leading to increase in rough diamond prices.

In 2010, global diamond industry produced approximately 133 million carats. The study predicts that that the global diamond production will reach 150 million carats by 2017, and that it will hit 175 million carats by 2020.

It certainly didn't take lot of time for global diamond industry to recover, after the period of stagnation that started with the financial crisis of 2009. The global diamond market is yet again giving excellent business opportunities for many investors all across the globe.

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