Sunday, March 11, 2012

The difference between certified and non-certified diamonds

The word certified in this meaning means that the certain diamond has a certificate that guarantees qualities of purchased diamond. It means that measures of certain diamond have been measured and quantified in form of certificate. This means that when you buy certified diamond you're basically getting this extra safety in form of certificate so you can be sure that your diamond really has all the qualities you thought it possesses in time of your purchase.

Non-certified diamonds do not have certificate meaning that they could happen to have lower quality than it was stated in the time of your purchase. Basically the difference between certified and non- certified diamonds is in simple piece of paper that gives you guarantee about the quality of diamond(s) you purchased.

The lack of certification doesn't necessarily mean that you should give up on buying such diamond. If the offer is good you can always ask for certificate to be made from trusted organizations such as Gemological Institute of America (GIA), so it is really not that difficult to transform non-certified diamond into a certified one.

The certificate in most cases states the 4 C's of purchased diamond (cut, color, clarity, and carat). Certified diamonds will also in most cases have a number engraved on the rim that is basically an extra safety measure in case your diamond is stolen as it can be easily traced.

The diamonds of high quality will almost always come with certificate, and non-certified diamonds are in most cases diamonds of lower quality where there is really no point in getting certificate since this certificate would in some cases cost even more than the diamond itself.

In most cases there is really nothing wrong with non-certified diamonds, just the fact that they are of less quality than certified diamonds.

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