Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ten reasons why diamonds make the best jewelry

1.Diamonds are and always will be elite among all other jewelry. Their supreme quality and their rarity make them unique pieces of jewelery, unprecedented in both beauty, as well as strength and durability.

2. Diamonds really do last forever. In fact this forever is few millions years but still from our point of view such lifespan really looks like an eternity.

3. Diamonds have long history, and very rich tradition. It's really classic at its very best, well in terms of jewelry that is.

4. Diamonds make excellent investment since their value in most cases increase after time, meaning that they're not only superb from aesthetic but also from environmental point of view.

5. Diamonds shine big time, and girls (as well as humans in general) love shiny stuff. Shine adds the extra dimension to your jewelry, and diamonds to put it simply rule when it comes to shine.

6. It is very difficult to destroy diamonds, in fact diamonds can be only scratched by other diamonds which makes their conservation a fairly easy task. Still it is wise to clean your diamond jewelry from time to time.

7. Huge selection and custom made diamond jewelry. Variety of different diamonds to choose from, all you need to know is what you want, and of course have enough money to pay the price for your selection.

8. Diamonds are always trendy. Classic white diamonds are always the most popular choice, so basically you can't go wrong with them.

9.Diamonds are no longer available just for rich people, of course there are some pieces of diamond jewelry that cost a real fortune but "average looking diamond engagement ring" has acceptable price to most "average earning people". Especially lab created diamonds that cost significantly less than natural diamonds, and have the same if not the better properties.

10. Diamonds are perfect gifts. No matter what the occasion you can't go wrong with diamonds. After all they are the true elite.

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