Monday, October 25, 2010

Real diamond facts

Diamond jewelry is the most expensive jewelry, and so people when buying want to be sure they are actually buying a real diamond, and not some cheaper alternative that looks exactly like diamond. However, some diamond alternatives like moissanite and cubic zirconia can even fool jewelers, and this is especially the case with moissanite that is impossible to tell the difference from diamond without the special tests.

The best way to avoid buying some fake diamond that looks like a real deal is buying diamond from trusted and reputable jewelers. That will perhaps mean spending more money but a bit more money spent in this case will give you safety that your diamond is indeed genuine, and worthy of the money spend on it. These trusted jewelers also offer diamond appraisal so you can be absolutely sure that your diamond is indeed real and not fake.

There are some methods we could use at home to tell whether our diamond is real or not. First thing you can do is to weigh your diamond. The most common diamond simulant is cubic zirconia and it weighs more than 50 % than the real diamond given same shape and size, so if your "diamond" weighs too much than this means that you are the owner of cubic zirconia, and not the real diamond.

Cubic zirconia

Another simple test to tell whether your diamond is real or not is to put your diamonds in front of your mouth and fog it like you do with mirror. If it stays fogged for couple of seconds then you have sadly bought the fake because real diamond disperses heat instantly.

Among the simplest and most popular tests to tell the difference between real and fake diamonds is the so called "transparency test" where you flip your diamond upside down, and try to read the newsprint below it, if you are able to see letters and read through it, then this is sadly yet another fake and not a real diamond.

These few simple methods that can tell you whether you're diamond is real or not, that is if we are not talking about moissanite. Moissanite is so similar to diamond that 4 out of 10 jewelers won't be able to tell the difference between these two. So if you want maximum safety make sure to definitely go for trusted jewelers in order to obtain diamond appraisal.

Cubic zirconia is the most common fake diamond. Diamond is made of carbon while cubic zirconia is made of zirconium oxide. Cubic zirconia is basically form of glass which was created artificially while diamonds took millions of years to be formed in nature. Cubic zirconia is almost worthless compared to diamond, and cubic zirconia in most cases looks flawless, something that real diamonds very rarely do. Most people won't be able to tell the difference between the diamonds and cubic zirconia and this is the reason why some people use cubic zirconia as alternative to diamond.

Lab created diamonds are not fake diamonds nor diamond simulants, in fact they are true diamonds just like their natural brothers, the only difference between these two is the fact that the natural diamonds were created in Earth's mantle, and not in the lab.

The best diamond alternative is moissanite, and if you call diamond alternatives fake diamonds, then moissanite is definitely the best available fake diamond. Telling the difference between diamond and moissanite is impossible without the patented Model 590 Charles & Colvard.


Moissanite looks exactly as diamond, shines even better than diamond because of the double refraction of light, and doesn't have that expensive price-tag that diamonds usually have. Moissanite is almost as hard as diamond (9,5 on Mohs scale) though it doesn't share some of the diamond's top properties, for instance the strength of moissanite is unstable at temperatures exceeding 400 degrees and moissanite becomes unreliable at temperatures reaching 1000 degrees unlike diamonds that can withstand much bigger temperatures. There is virtually no moissanite in nature, meaning that every piece of moissanite is produced in lab.

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